Welcome to itSMF Greater Toronto Region. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting IT industry best practices and IT Service Management to be a source of information, networking, knowledge sharing, brainstorming and fun for the IT Service Management community across the Greater Toronto Region (GTR). Our goal is to promote and stimulate IT Service Management growth, standardization and recognition. We are excited to present you our new Calendar and invite you to join our upcoming events. We are looking forward to seeing you. We invite you to join one our upcoming events and look forward to seeing you then. BRANCH GOVERNANCEThe itSMF GTA Board is made up of volunteers, and are appointed or elected to their roles. They direct the activities of the branch and plan the events. The current board members are detailed below. Our corporate vendor community is an important part of Service Management within the Greater Toronto Region. Their continuing sponsorship helps defray the costs of member events and branch operation. They are also a source of valuable subject matter content to the membership. Click on the contact names to send board members an e-mail. We always welcome new volunteers, to get involved contact our Branch President. POSITION/CONTACT
| ATTEND AN EVENTMembers of itSMF Canada can attend local chapter events for a discounted rate as well as other professional development activities within Canada and the USA. Non-members are welcome at our events and can attend for a nominal fee. To become a member of itSMF Canada, fill out the Membership Application UPCOMING BRANCH EVENT